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Slab Leaks: 101
Humans have lived in houses for tens of thousands of years, yet we are still improving upon their design. Modern homes use the latest technology and research to build comfortable, safe, and long-lasting homes. One of the advancements that have progressed homebuilding is improved concrete slabs that stabilize the foundation of a home. 
Building homes on top of solid, man-made rock has proven to be an excellent idea with one main downside, slab leaks. In this quick article, plumbing leak specialists define what slab leaks are, why they are a problem, and how to fix them. 
What Is a Slab Leak?
There are two designs around which houses are built in the US: slabs and crawl spaces. Houses on crawl spaces have a narrow opening under the house so one can access utilities for repairs. Houses that are built on slabs use long-lasting materials that are poured into the concrete to form a giant, solid foundation that the home is built. 
Most new homes are built on slabs. The advantage of this is that the foundation is more solid. The disadvantage is that it makes working on the utilities run under the slab a bit more of a hassle. Slab leaks occur when pipes under the concrete slab of a home begin to leak. Finding the leaks can be difficult unless homeowners have help from professional slab leak detection plumbers. 
Why Slab Leaks Are Problems
Water leaks are serious problems no matter where they occur, even under the giant slab of concrete that a house is built on. Slab leaks present many of the same problems that normal water leaks bring with them, like:

Increasingly high water bills
High possibility of mold outbreaks
Musty odors
Ruined flooring and walls
Moisture that attracts insects
Unstable soil that can affect foundation integrity

Dealing with a slab leak can be a pain, but not dealing with it can be even worse. Leaks usually start small and continue to grow. So, a home may only suffer from one or two of these symptoms, but that problem will surely grow as the leak worsens, to the point that it could compromise the home’s safety. 
How to Address Slab Leaks
The first thing a homeowner has to do when they suspect a slab leak is to find it. Slab leaks are notoriously difficult to find because the water from the leak can seep a long distance from the actual leak. It takes special equipment and training to detect an accurate leak, so professionals usually do that job. 
The process of repairing a leak can be invasive because it will likely involve jackhammering the slab of the home up. Due to this, accuracy is of the utmost importance. After the leak is found and the slab is removed, fixing the leak is just like fixing any other leak. When the plumber is done, they will replace the concrete they removed, and things will go back to normal. In some cases, plumbers may recommend repiping sections of plumbing to bypass the leaky pipe. 
About A&A Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling
Need a trustworthy company to help address potential slab leaks? A&A Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling is the local choice for personalized plumbing solutions. Call today for slab leak repairs in San Antonio, TX.

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